Stop everything! Something very important is happening. Just for fun and to experiment, I ran an Instagram ad over the weekend targeting Colombia, looking for OF models. $5 per day. A pretty simple ad. It literally took me 10 minutes to design and launch. Messages started pouring in with mixed responses: content creators who I wouldn’t exactly classify as “models,” but among the large volume of interested people, some promising candidates are emerging. Soon, I’ll do a comparison between HPP and scouting via IG Ads, but at first glance, I can say that HPP delivers higher quality but requires way more effort compared to IG Ads. For those asking me via DM if I’ve signed with a model yet: almost. I have several proposals ready to move on to the final phase, which is the video call evaluation. I’ll keep you posted!
Stop everything! Over the weekend, I launched a simple $5/day Instagram ad targeting Colombian OF models. In just minutes, messages started flooding in—some good, some… not so much. Want to know how IG ads stack up against my HPP recruitment system? Stay tuned as I dive into the results and upcoming video calls!