Capt.Goldtooth’s hidden vault of
OnlyFans mastery secrets.

Ever wonder how to craft the *perfect* scouting account that models can’t resist? It’s all in the details—strategic names, tailored bios, niche-specific content, and clever link masking! Curious how these scouting accounts will do? Click through to unlock the secrets behind building a powerhouse Instagram scouting system!

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OFM: The Dirty Secrets Behind My Instagram Robot-Slave Army – Part I

Continuing my journey in setting up my automated scouting system for sourcing new models.

What tool am I using?

I’m using Fanzella.com, a fully cloud-based platform that doesn’t require physical phones. A plan limited to 50 accounts costs $50/month, plus a proxy for $28/month, and you’ll need to purchase accounts (approximately $0.8 each from accmarket.com). It takes some work to set up, but it gets the job done. The slave accounts are aged, around 2018, and come with various email providers (mail.ru, hotmail.com, rambler.ru).

Are there alternatives? Absolutely! There’s SharingTools, InstaArmy, and more, which all offer similar functionality. Onimator is another popular option but works differently. I’ve tried several, and I chose Fanzella because it’s the fastest, and the pricing is fantastic for the number of extra tools it includes (e.g., face swapping).

How many slave accounts does the scouting system have?

I’m starting with 10 accounts, with plans to gradually increase, aiming for a checkpoint at 50 active accounts to review and fine-tune everything. I’ll keep it at 50 accounts for a few weeks to reach full speed before deciding on the next steps. With the intention of reaching 100 slave accounts.

How are the accounts organized?

I’m using two main targeting systems: scraped IDs and real-time targeting. The scraped IDs include creators who’ve posted at some point using specific hashtags, while the real-time system targets those posting in the last 7 days. This gives me both a historical sweep and a current, up-to-date sweep.

What’s the target audience?

I’m focusing on two niches that have creators posted using hashtags related to their fields (which may or may not be creating OnlyFans content) and content creators who’ve posted using the #OnlyFans hashtag.

What actions do the slaves perform?

  • Liking the last two posts of the target
  • Mass-looking at the last 5 stories
  • Sending a DM
  • Sending a welcome DM if they follow back

This way, each slave account performs different actions that trigger notifications for the target. When they see the intriguing name, they’re tempted to check out the slave account, where they then discover the value proposition. In some cases, the approach is more direct by sending a DM.

How long does this process take?

The process involves a 7-day warmup phase, during which I work on branding the accounts. Then, there’s another 7-day period to start seeing the first results while working at a low capacity (about 25% of the desired actions). After another 7 days, the speed increases to 50%, then 75%, and finally reaches 100% after a month.

It’s important to note that around 30% of the accounts may die or get suspended during this process.

What kind of content do the slaves have?

  • Name and Username: The accounts have clear names indicating they are scouting accounts (e.g., @onlyfcast) so that when the target sees them in their notifications, they understand the purpose quickly.
  • Bio: The bio clarifies that it’s a scouting account for the agency @myagency, with the appropriate tag directing people there. It includes an urgency message: “Limited spots! Don’t miss your chance (link in bio).” Many models follow this path and end up messaging the main account directly, especially when they’re highly interested in learning more about the offer.
  • Grid Content: The same content as the mother account, as explained in the previous post. However, some accounts are specifically tailored to niches, with images modified to represent those niches. The same goes for the bio message and the link, which were adapted to attract models from that particular niche.
  • Link: The link leads directly to the sales letter, masked through GetAllMyLinks to avoid Instagram’s censorship (since they’re not fans of OnlyFans links) and to collect metrics to evaluate campaign performance.

Do the accounts have social proof?

It varies, ranging from 200 to 1,000 followers per account, with likes and comments disabled on the posts.

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